Saturday, August 28, 2010

Integrating google analytics into Blogger

It's very important to keep track of the traffic that your site receives. So, Google Analytics the way to go.It's very simple to integrate Google analytics into Blogger.Follow these steps
  1. Sign into Google Analytics
  2. create your profile.
  3. fill the details like your blogger URL, time zone etc
  4. hit continue and Copy the code
  5. Sign into blogger
  6. Click on the 'Layout' Tab, then click on 'Edit HTML'
  7. Paste the code between the header tag as shown . <head>........ paste your code here </head>
  8. Press 'Save Template' to save the changes.
  9. Back in Google Analytics, click on 'Check Status' or 'Verify Tracking Code' under the Status column. Once your tracking code has been verified, the status will change to: 'Receiving Data.'